Exterior Art Installation – Roskilde 2013
Working with art group DS16, DAC and Roskilde Festival, I was assistant construction manager and designer on this installation for the competition BUILD WHAT HERE. Using thousands of hula hoops to create lighting and seating installations.

Main Installation by Night
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival

Main Installation by Day
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival

Seating Installation in Use
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival

A Look From Below the Hula Hoop Tornado
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival

The Main piece in Production, Working with Art Group DS16
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival

The Team Working on the Seating Installations
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival

Solving the Estetics of the Seating Installations
Client: DS16 / DAC / Roskilde Festival